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The right nutrition dietis very important if you want to excel in the gym. It makes an impact on your progress. You can compromise your performance and health by not getting enough minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. A strict training regime is compulsory, but you should not underestimate the importance of a nutritious diet to get the best results. It doesn’t matter if you want to lose fat or bulk up your body is necessary to have a specific nutrition diet plan for beginners. The four most important thing is to keep fueling your body and follow a 6-meal diet plan. This will help keep your blood sugar level in check, help new muscles grow, and steadies your metabolism.

If you want to lose weight, you should go for a calorie deficit diet, which means should burn more calories and eat less. But in case you are looking to gain muscle as well as lose fat, you should have a different approach to your routine. Losing fat doesn’t mean losing weight. It is just a way to replace fat from lean muscle. It is important to eat healthy foods like carbohydrates, good for you fats, fiber, and protein to gain muscle mass. The best diet for muscle gain and fat loss will help you get the best results. Some of the foods that can help you are-


  • Full-fat dairy– one of the examples is Greek yogurt, as it helps in fat loss. It contains linoleic acid that promotes weight loss and burns fat. On the other side, for muscle building, these dairy proteins are slow digesting and hence contribute to muscle gain. Another important protein-filled snack is cottage cheese.


  • Eggs– eggs provide a whole feeling to your stomach and help you be full for a longer period. Eggs are high in protein, which can help increase your metabolic weight for a long time after you eat them. This ultra-nutritional food has amino acids in it, which promotes muscle gain. Hence, eggs are one of the most important food to add to your best diet for muscle gain and fat loss.


  • Fish like tuna, salmon, and tilapia– in fishes like salmon there is omega-3 fatty acid present which helps in the reduction of inflammation. It is also one of the best foods to help you lose weight. Cortisol is a stress hormone that eventually leads to fat storage. Fish helps reduce the production of cortisol in your body and is beneficial for both your muscular and heart health.


  • Whey protein – It can be easily added to your nutritional drinks and smoothies. It helps conserve your muscle while losing weight.


  • Legumes and beans– kidney beans, chickpeas, and edamame are the best way to add protein to your diet. Edamame will help with muscular strength as it contains folate and beans like kidney beans or black beans, with phosphorus and iron will help in protein building.


  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Brown rice.
  • Meats like chicken breast and lean beef
  • Quinoa
  • Nuts like peanuts and almonds.