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The vortex flowmeter is commonly used in heavy industrial applications, power supply, and the energy industry. Flow meters are used to measure or monitor the flow of liquid and gasses in an enclosed conduit.

Likewise, a vortex flow meter is also used to monitor, measure and control liquid and gas flow. Vortex flow meter has high reliability, accuracy, and stability. They have a very low failure rate. But of course, everything has its pros and cons.

This blog will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a vortex flow meter. So let’s get to the point.

Benefits of vortex flow meter

There are many benefits of vortex flow meter, and they are as follows:

  • Everyone wants fewer complexities in their life to handle. Vortex flowmeters are less complicated as they have a simple structure which makes them reliable. The vortex meter doesn’t have moving parts.
  • These flow meters can serve for a long.
  • Vortex meters need maintenance once in a while. So, you don’t have to maintain them daily.
  • Vortex flowmeters are used for various applications such as stream measurement, water application, chilled water, purified water, De-ionized water, acids, solvents, etc.
  • These flowmeters have high accuracy.
  • They are cost-effective. The cost for their installation is also minimum.
  • They are available in different sizes, thus can get attached to a pipe of any kind.
  • They are also available at many temperature rates.
  • The vortex flowmeters are also lightweight.
Drawbacks of the vortex meter

First, we have discussed the benefits. Now we move to its drawbacks. Where there are benefits, there are also drawbacks. Following are the drawbacks of a vortex flow meter.

  • They are not suitable when you want to measure low pressure. The measurement won’t be accurate and perfect.
  • Vortex flowmeters can’t measure dirty fluids. Thus these dirty fluids can affect the working of the vortex meter.
  • These flow meters are not recommended for pulsating flow.
  • These flow meters are not suitable for low Reynolds number measurement.

A vortex flowmeter has an essential role in different industrial applications. However, they usually come in different sizes, enabling you to choose the best type depending on your type of application. This blog will guide you thoroughly if you want to know all the benefits and drawbacks of a vortex flowmeter. Also, An industrial engineer may help you choose one according to your need.

What Is Flow?

Flow in industrial terms refers to the movement of steam or liquids through a system. The flow rate of a liquid or gas measures the volume of either gas or liquid passing through a system per second. To properly control the movement of fluids through a system, it is critical to monitor their flow rate.

How Do You Control Flow?

A flow switch is sometimes called a flow indicator. It is an electro-mechanical device designed to operate through a paddle. These switches monitor and control the flow rate and pressure of gaseous compounds, liquids, and steam over some time. It helps maintain safe flow rates of liquids or gas by activating machines within the system to provide control over the flow of the media. 

How Does It Work?

Flow switches come in different types, and they all work differently. One of the things that flow switches have in common is that when the flow rate reaches the set limit, they can either open or close the circuits that triggered the action. 

The method of operation of the flow switch depends on the type of media and the amount or level of output required. The sensor connected to the paddle activates the flow switch when placed in media flow. 

Types of Flow Switches

Various types of switches are available for different purposes. These include the water flow sensing switch and switch for air and gases. 

Water Flow Sensing Switch

A water flow sensing switch is a type of flow switch used for water and liquids. It is an automated electro-mechanical device used to control and detect water flow in a system. 

Water Flow Sensing Switch: How Do They Work?

It works through mostly physical paddles wired to a medium where the water or liquid will pass through. The speed of the paddle movement will specify the rate of flow to the transducer. The transmitter will take this information to determine and change it into action. 

Types of Water Flow Sensing Switch Available

The water flow sensing switch comes in several types and forms. Let us explore some of these switches available today. 

  • Water flow sensing switch for water pumps

Flow switches control the water pump, regulating when and how much water is released. Once a flow switch is attached to a water pump, it increases and reduces the water system's internal pressure. 

  • Sprinkler Water flow sensing switc 

In a sprinkler system, the flow switch monitors the pipes of the sprinkler to determine when water is flowing. 

Air Flow Switches

These flow switches use air filtration systems to activate the paddle connected to the sensor controlling the amount of air that passes through its ducts.  


The water flow sensing switch comes in several types and forms. Let us explore some of these switches available today. A flow switch can help you control the rate of flow of liquid or air that passes through a medium. It comes in many types and has different uses, but the mechanism is generally the same.