puppyplaygroundsydney's blog

We are often asked what happens in our dog day care during the day by new clients . Let me tell you what a day with us is like.

First we welcome everyone to day care and our dog clients start their day playing with each other. They are usually quite excited in the morning and spend the first few hours going crazy with each other. Supervised, of course.

Then when everyone has arrived we start our morning walks. We take a nice twenty minute walk to the near by park.

When the walks are done we continue playing, this time with toys! This is a lot of fun for the dogs and us people too. They have multiple chew toys and balls and we play ball games together. We even do nosework with the dogs!

Around 1-2pm the dogs usually start slowing down a bit and have a little rest before going home. But before leaving they usually spend another few hours playing together.. It’s full on playing at our puppy school zetland through out the whole day!
