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Many students suffer from episodes of stress and anxiety due to the nervous tension caused by intense study.

It can have various origins: from a lack of organization to unhealthy lifestyle habits to managing emotions.

Whatever the case may be, knowing the relaxation methods for studying can help you cope with acute episodes and acquire a better and greater concentration.

Are your nerves or tension preventing you from concentrating on studying? Read on to find out how to solve it.

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What are relaxation methods?

Any exercise, technique, procedure, or method that helps reduce physical or mental tension is a relaxation method.

There are different infallible relaxation methods for students, among which you can choose the one that will help you face the evaluations with the best guarantees.

The best relaxation techniques for students

Overcoming the curricular content of any regulated study can be complex and test the control of our nerves.

Fortunately, there are several relaxation techniques for students that can help overcome those extra moments of pressure and achieve the necessary concentration to succeed during exam time. We recommend that you try the relaxation methods that best suit you and 

also, combine them with other tips to avoid exploding emotionally during exam time.

Breathing exercises

These are relaxation techniques that you can use at any time of your life and wherever you are. Breathe calmly and focus on the sound of your breathing.

When you have become accustomed to that murmur, close your eyes and continue to feel yourself breathing for 10 minutes. You will feel more relaxed at the end of the exercise.

Abdominal breathing

It consists of a solid and deep inspiration with which you fill your lungs, exhaling all the air very slowly afterward.

Campustip: increase the effects of this method by getting comfortable, closing your eyes, and letting your mind wander to pleasant thoughts while you do it.

Jacobson's Progressive Muscle Relaxation

In the early 1920s, the American physician Edmund Jacobson developed a beneficial technique to reduce tension.

It consists of contracting the different muscle groups for 10 seconds and then relaxing them for 15 seconds, repeating the procedure several times. To do it correctly, it must be done sitting in a very comfortable chair or lying down.

Schultz autogenic training

In the 1930s, the psychiatrist Johannes Schulz introduced this effective relaxation technique consisting of self-activation.

It reduces anxiety by evoking bodily sensations divided into 6 tables of exercises: heaviness, warmth, pulsation, head, breathing, and abdominal regulation exercises.

These exercises should be learned and performed progressively, having their basis in passive concentration to reduce the situation of tension and achieve relaxation.


The training of the mind is one of the most beneficial relaxation exercises for studying. There is no single way to practice meditation, so we are going to propose a straightforward way to do it wherever you want:

In a comfortable posture, sitting or lying down, breathe through the nose and exhale through the mouth rhythmically and smoothly, being aware of the process, how the air enters and leaves the body.

With attention focused on the breath, repeat a mantra, a positive phrase ("I relax," "I am strong"), as you inhale.

On the exhalation, think about what you need to let go of ("stress out," "anxiety out") by repeating your mantra.

A good and effective relaxation technique for students can be to practice meditation for 10 minutes a day, customizing the "mantras" according to the moment's needs.


The benefits of practicing yoga are numerous and well known. Recovering body calmness is one of the most outstanding and helping to reduce muscular tension and favoring concentration.

Nowadays, we can practice yoga in the comfort of our own home using a mat and one of the many tutorials available on the Internet.


Numerous studies show that music stimulates concentration and helps to study and memorize better (obviously, if the musical selection is appropriate).

There is nothing better to eliminate stress than a good relaxation music session for students immersed in an exam preparation stage.

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