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CD Mom CD Mom All mothers are most worried about the problem of delayed growth and development of their children. addition to the obvious difference in length, the other is to speak. After all, at the stage of language development, whoever child speaks, whoever speaks fluently, just listen to it. Every time this kind of topic is involved, it can become a hot spot for mothers in minutes. Everyone knows that 0-3 years old is a key stage of language development, and even related to the intellectual development of children. Alas~ The more important things are, the easier it is to cause trouble. One of the easiest situations to make parents anxious is: the baby obviously understands the words, but doesn't speak. In the popular variety show "Dad's Home" that I watched recently, there was a child named Xiaobao, which was almost the case. Parents can understand all instructions, and can express their needs with various gestures, but they do not speak.'s parents were also very worried about the developmental delay, and took him to the hospital for related examinations. Seeing this, some mothers may be "not calm": our family is also like this, do you want to check? Don't worry, don't worry! Not all children who don't speak have language delays. The most important thing is how to judge. Part.1 The standard of normal or delayed language development In my opinion, each child's language development rhythm is different. Among children's abilities, the individual differences in language development are the most prominent. This makes it difficult for us to easily judge whether a child is stunted through an abnormality at a certain stage. If mothers are really worried, look at the milestones of their child's language development. By referring to the standard of normal or delayed language development given by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the child's developmental progress can be judged. If children have these signs of language delay, we need to pay attention. Of course, this can only be used as a reference. If you feel that your child's language development is abnormal, it is definitely the most reliable to consult a doctor. Part.2 The reasons and methods of language developmental delay may be puzzled by many mothers. Why is the child's language development delayed? In fact, this can be found in our daily life. Many times, we just think about caring for our children, but we often ignore these points: 01 Do you always "understand" your children's thoughts? When all mothers face the problem of children's language developmental delay, they need to reflect first: Are there opportunities for children to speak from an early age? The child is listening to sounds from all directions from birth, and these are all "inputs" to him. But language development, just "input" is not enough, there must be "output". Talking has never been done overnight. Ask yourself, do you often let your children talk? I've seen too many moms "fancy thoughtful" about their kids. A child's eyes, an action, a tone of speech... hey! You will understand, just go to help the child do it, and in the end, the child often does not say a word and enjoys it. We used to say that "knowing the child and the mother" is a tacit understanding, but in fact, this makes the child lose the opportunity to speak. Children at the most appropriate age for language development will stare at you all day long without saying a word to each other. If you can't accumulate enough vocabulary, and you can't develop the habit of speaking, it's not surprising that language development is delayed. So, don't feel that as long as you satisfy the child as soon as possible all the time, it is good for him. At times like this, being a mother just needs to play dumb appropriately. Even if you have the ability to understand the child's demands, you should wait for the child to speak. At the same time, if what the child is saying is not clear or unambiguous, you can respond with an "ah?" or "what." Let's pretend we don't understand and let the child speak again. Of course, if the child is in a hurry and hasn't made it clear, we can just guess what he wants to say and repeat it several times to guide him. After all, his imitation ability should not be underestimated. Such communication again and again will continuously activate the child's desire to speak. Over time, language development will naturally get better and better. 
Introduction: In our daily life, will occasionally encounter some children with congenital deformities. With the continuous development of science and technology and the improvement of medical level, although there are fewer and fewer children with such deformities, they still cannot. Completely put an end to it. Having a child is the top priority of a family. Everyone hopes to have a healthy baby. The current level of technology cannot ensure that every child will not be deformed. There are many reasons for congenital deformities in children. It is related to fetal malformation, so what age is the best to have a baby? 1. Some people say that older age is also related to fetal malformation, so what is the best age to have a baby? Children are all at high risk, and the probability of fetal malformation is also on the rise. According to statistics, 25-35 years old is more suitable for giving birth to a baby. During this time, the female body is fully mature, and all aspects of the body are in a very good state. , the quality of the eggs is also the optimal time. In addition, during this period of time when the economic base of women is relatively abundant, there is a high probability that the baby born during this period will be healthy. For men, 25-35 years old is also the best stage for sperm quality, and sperm quality begins to decline after the age of 40. 2. In addition to age, which can easily lead to deformity, what other reasons can easily lead to deformity? 1. Lack of folic acid can easily lead to deformities. I believe most expectant mothers know that folic acid is needed to prepare for pregnancy in the first 3 months of pregnancy. If folic acid is lacking, it will easily lead to fetal neurodevelopmental dysplasia, prone to spina bifida, cleft lip and palate, etc. Series of deformities. According to reports, in the past, the number of deformities caused by pregnant women in northern my country was much higher than that in the southern region. 2. Living environment during pregnancy If you are engaged in some high-risk work during pregnancy, often in contact with some chemicals, and in a heavily polluted environment, it will easily lead to fetal maldevelopment and deformity. Things that should reduce radiation in daily life, especially men in some families who like to smoke, we also try our best to avoid inhaling second-hand smoke. The radiation mentioned here does not include daily small radiation such as daily hospital inspections and mobile phones, which are all within a reasonable range. 3. I watched a documentary before I had diabetes before pregnancy. An expectant mother found out that the fetus was at risk of deformity during the obstetric examination. The reason was because the pregnant mother had diabetes before pregnancy, and the doctor advised her not to have the child. A mother found a top doctor to try to save the fetus. After treatment, the baby who was finally born was still unable to avoid hearing loss and cleft lip. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is better to treat it first and then get pregnant. Third, to prevent fetal malformations, what should be done to check? 1. B-ultrasound Fetal B-ultrasound is a relatively common examination to check whether the fetus is deformed. It is usually checked around 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the B-ultrasound is checked. If the doctor finds that the fetus has aberrations during the inspection, the parents will generally be notified. It is recommended to have an abortion in time, so as not to cause more pain to the pregnant woman in the later stage, so as to stop the loss in time. 2. Tang screening examination Tang screening is also a relatively common fetal malformation examination, which is generally divided into early Tang screening, NT screening and mid-term Tang screening. It tests the blood of pregnant women to observe whether there is any abnormality in chromosomes, and screen for trisomy 21 syndrome. To determine whether there may be congenital intellectual defects and other hazards. 3. Other interventional examinations Interventional examinations are generally performed through interventional techniques such as amniotic fluid puncture and umbilical cord blood puncture. This technique is also relatively authoritative, because it directly extracts the cells in the amniotic fluid for analysis and research, genetic testing, etc. It is also the gold standard for checking fetal malformations. Important note: It is recommended to check whether the fetus is deformed or not at about 20 weeks of pregnancy. Try to avoid the situation that the fetus is too mature and needs abortion after 28 weeks, which is not good for pregnant women. Today's topic: In order to prevent fetal malformations, what should be paid attention to? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area~
