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Considering the hundreds of SEOagencies that are springing up like mushrooms, selling Seo Packages Dubai  today is very competitive. It is not competitive because all SEO agencies and freelancersare true professionals. No. It's competitive because of the promises .


If you are reading this article, it is very likely that you have searched or are looking for an SEO service that guarantees results.


I don't want to write too much, I'm just telling you that it's the biggest mistake you can make: working with an SEO agency that guarantees you the first organic position in Google!



First of all , it's Google itself telling you in black and white not to trust these promises.


No one can guarantee that you will reach the top position in Google results.Don't trust SEO experts who claim to guarantee a certain ranking in the results, who boast of having a "special relationship" with Google, or who advertise "priority inclusion" on Google.


Secondly , there are many factors at play, factors that cannot be controlled by anyone (except Google). To make matters worse, these specialists are probably implementing SEO techniques that are considered blackhat/unethical, especially in the field of link building .


Due to the highly competitive industry, many SEO agencies offer “Guaranteed SEO Deals” which is essentially the promise of first page search engine rankings or the client can get their money back.


In a nutshell, let’s say the SEO agency in question works on your website for 6 months, if they don’t get you to the front page you will get your money back.




Before. If the goal is to get to the front page for a phrase that no one is looking for, it is possible that the goal will be achieved. Especially if you have no competition.


Second. In these X months that they work for you, the SEO agency has to pay salaries, invoices, utility bills, etc. If he doesn't reach his goal, does he have to give you your money back? So, he has to do EVERYTHING to achieve his goal (even for a short time).


Are these companies truly offering these kinds of promises or are they simply trying to make the sale ?


An important thing to remember when looking for an SEO service provider is that every SEO agencyor freelanceris a business . For this reason, many salespeople are more focused on commission checks than the actual well-being of the newly signed-up customer.




The current market is saturated with numerous SEO agencies and freelancersthat promise to take your business to the next level. It may take a few months or even years for SEO strategies to show positive results on your website.


SEO Agencies that claim to guarantee placement in 30 days or promise first position in Google results within X days are nothing but scams!


You cannot guarantee such a result! This promise is a red flag that you have approached the wrong SEO agency.


A reputable SEO agency should only offer SEO guarantees that tasks are completed within the deadline and most importantly that all the SEO activities arelatest SEO best practices .




Many SEO companies that offer guaranteed SEO results resort to black hat strategies , a set of practices that Google prohibits. Black hat techniques are tricks to get higher search engine rankings through unfair means.


If discovered by Google, they can lead to serious penalties . If a manual action is applied to your site, it will not show up in Google search results.




If you really want to have a satisfied customer, you don't have to guarantee results, because it's unethical and you can't control it. By saying these things just to make a sale, I don't think it's worth ruining your reputation (if you have one).


Explaining to the customer exactly how things are with their website is a good start.


Make him understand that SEO cannot be done without investment (money). Let them understand that SEO is not an easy process and that results don't come fast. Tell him that to be able to do something from an SEO point of view, he must have (in short) a functional website, original content, quality backlinks and that you, as an SEO consultant, must comply with Google's guidelines.


If you as a customer understand these things, you can start an SEO campaign.




Rankings are determined by a search engine algorithm. This algorithm is constantly updated and personalized based on hundreds of factors, such as the user's location, previous searches, etc.


Securing something that is under the control of a third party, like Google or Bing, is not something anSEOagency can do.

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