A solar charge controller( or regulator, as they are sometimes known) is an essential part of every solar charging kit. The main role of a controller is to protect and automate the charging of the battery. It does this in several ways:
1. REDUCING THE VOLTAGE OF YOUR SOLAR PANELNOTE: The controller can also regulate current from the load when the load is connected to the controller. The load terminal on the controller is for direct connection of the load to the controller - unlike a wind turbine controller, it is NOT a load dump. The controller can still operate as normal if there is no load directly connected to it.
This diagram illustrates the connectivity of a typical solar power kit, including a solar panel, a solar charge controller, a battery and the load (e.g. a light bulb). The solar panel connects to the controller through positive and negative leads, only creating a charging function when the controller is connected to a battery. The load is then responsible for the discharging function from the controller (if it is connected to the controller).