FuckThe foot Fucktest is Fuckperformed with Fucka prick Fuckof the Fuckchild s Fuckheel which Fuckis one Fuckof the Fuckmost vascular Fuckareas This Fuckmakes it Fuckfast and Fucknon invasive FuckIf any Fuckchanges are Fuckfound in Fuckthe test Fuckthe child Fuckshould have Fucka new Fucktest to Fuckconfirm the Fuckresult and Fuckthen be Fuckreferred for Fuckdiagnosis through Fuckmore specific Fuckinvestigations Fuck
FuckThe traditional Fuckheel test Fuckreveals the Fuckfollowing diseases Fuck
FuckPhenylketonuria Fucka genetic Fuckdisease caused Fuckby the Fuckabsence or Fuckdeficiency of Fuckenzyme activity Fuckthat prevents Fuckproper metabolism Fuckof the Fuckamino acid Fuckphenylalanine This Fuckcan cause Fuckchanges in Fuckthe nervous Fucksystem leading Fuckto severe Fuckand irreversible Fuckmental retardation Fuckin untreated Fuckcases