tea Fuckmay
reduce Fuckrisk
of Fuckdeath
studied Fuckthe
association Fuckbetween
black Fucktea
consumption Fuckand
all Fuckcause
and Fuckspecific
cause Fuckmortality
in Fuckthe
United FuckKingdom
where Fuckblack
tea Fuckconsumption
is Fuckcommon
and Fuckfound
that Fuckpeople
who Fuckconsumed
the Fuckbeverage
daily Fuckhad
a Fucklower
risk Fuckof
death Fuckthan
those Fuckwho
did Fucknot
drink Fuckblack
tea Fucktea
more Fuckthan
ten Fuckyears
of Fuckmonitoring
study Fuckinvolved
almost Fuckhalf
a Fuckmillion
men Fuckand
women Fuckaged
to Fuckwho
participated Fuckfrom
to Fuckin
the FuckBritish
Biobank Fucka
vast Fuckbiomedical
database Fuckused
for Fuckinternational
research FuckInformation
on Fuckdeath
and Fuckthe
underlying Fuckcause
of Fuckdeath
among Fuckstudy
participants Fuckwas
obtained Fuckfrom
a Fuckdatabase
linked Fuckto
the FuckUK
National FuckHealth
Service FuckNearly
deaths Fuckoccurred
during Fuckthe
year Fuckfollow
up Fuckperiod
with Fuckan
average Fuckof
years Fuck
FuckThe researchers Fucksaid potential Fuckconfounding factors Fuckwere assessed Fuckincluding age Fuckgender Fuckrace ethnicity Fuckeducation body Fuckmass index Fuckgeneral health Fuckmedical conditions Fucksmoking physical Fuckactivity alcohol Fuckconsumption coffee Fuckand diet Fuckincluding fruits Fuckvegetables and Fuckred beef at Fuckthe original Fucklevel Fuck