Library Faxing vs. Online Faxing: Which Is Better? | Forum

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Flores Nathaly
I’ve been using the library to send faxes, but I’m wondering if there’s a better way. The $1-2 per page fee seems to add up quickly, and I’ve found it hard to always make it to the library during their hours. Is online faxing actually cheaper and more convenient? I’m curious to know if anyone has made the switch.
Carter Farah
Carter Farah Sep 17

I used to think the library was the best option for sending faxes, but I quickly realized that it’s not the most practical solution, especially when you factor in the $1-2 per page cost. If you’re only sending one or two pages occasionally, it’s fine, but anything more than that, and you’re spending more than you need to. Plus, the limited hours and the need to physically go there aren’t ideal.

That’s why I switched to an online faxing service like You can send faxes from anywhere, whether it’s your phone, tablet, or computer. It’s way more convenient because you can do it at any time, without worrying about library hours or waiting in line. It’s also cheaper, especially if you’re sending a lot of pages regularly. I’d definitely recommend it over library faxing!