How fast can you develop a mobile app? | Forum

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Teo Lordes
Teo Lordes Jan 4

How fast can a mobile app be developed? We have an idea for a startup and we need to release a mobile app as soon as possible. Are there any tools or approaches that will help speed up the development process?

Tuker Jan 4

Mobile app development can take different amounts of time depending on the complexity of the project and the technologies chosen. To speed up the process, you can consider using ready-made frameworks and platforms such as Flutter, React Native or Xamarin.

Olivander Jan 4

I agree that these tools allow you to develop cross-platform applications, which reduces the time to write code for each operating system separately. But it is better to attract experienced developers and use agile approach, breaking the project into small iterations. This will help you get a working prototype faster and make necessary changes at early stages. Better yet, contact mobile app development