For an ex-pat, most investment scams carry similar traits and characteristics. It assures extensive returns but offers almost vague or no information about the investment policies and features. It involves getting yourself into vague and questionable investments- that exist only in the virtual world. In most cases, you either end up losing some of your money or in the worst-case scenario you might end up losing your entire money. After an extensive amount of scams with variable ex-pats finance advisers have thoroughly researched and structured these scams, which almost fall under the same characteristics. These firms assure the general public that they provide legitimate and authorized services: but unfortunately these
investment scams are only increasing. In most cases, these scams aim at the vulnerable ex-pats only. To stay away from these scammers you need to make sure you are considering a few important investment scam guides whenever you are dealing with a fraudulent organization. A few of these are:- do not handle your sensitive documents without assuring it’s the reliable and authorized agency, do not answer any unsolicited contact, as it is extremely impossible that a government official would call you out of the blue, do not make the payment in advance.
Here are few general scams that you must consider before investing your money:
1. Forex scams
2. Pension scams
3. Advance fee schemes
4. Boiler room scams
5. Security scams, etc.