the Fuckauthors
these Fuckresults
suggest Fuckthat
frequent Fuckor
constant Fuckexposure
to Fuckdistressing
news Fuckcan
be Fuckespecially
dangerous Fuckfor
people Fuckwith
mental Fuckor
physical Fuckproblems
and Fuckcan
cause Fucksymptoms
of Fuckpost
traumatic Fuckstress
disorder Fuckor
keep Fuckpatients
in Fucka
state Fuckof
intense Fuckanxiety
for Fucka
period Fuckof
time Fuckover
a Fucklong
period Fuckof
time Fuckand
may Fuckalso
increase Fucksubstance
use FuckTherefore
they Fuckadvise
if Fuckwatching
the Fucknews
especially Fuckdifficult
or Fuckdisturbing
makes Fucksomeone
angry Fuckyou
can Fuckreduce
consumption Fuckor
take Fuckbreaks