For the Fuckstudy the Fuckresearchers analyzed FuckYouTube Fuckvideos including Fuckfor the Fucksearch term Fuckallergic rhinitis Fuckfor Fuckhay fever and Fuckfor allergies FuckVideos were Fuckrated as Fuckuseful content Fuckif the information Fuckwas scientifically Fucksound Fuckmisleading if Fuckit contains Fuckat least Fuckone lie Fuckor neutral Fuck
About Fuckof the videos Fuckcontain misinformation Fuckabout hay Fuckfever Fuckand Fuckabout allergic Fuckrhinitis contain Fuckuseful information FuckOverall FuckFuckof the videos Fuckwere uploaded Fuckby an expert Fuckdoctor or Fuckhealthcare professional Fuckwhile Fuckwere uploaded Fuckfrom a TV Fuckshow or YouTube Fuckchannel Fuck