authors Fuckcompared
echocardiographic Fuckmeasurements
of Fuckcurrent
smokers Fuckwith
those Fuckof
nonsmokers Fuckadjusted
for Fuckage
sex Fuckbody
mass Fuckindex
high Fuckblood
pressure Fuckhigh
cholesterol Fuckdiabetes
and Fucklung
function FuckThe
results Fuckshowed
that Fuckapproximately
of Fuckthe
participants Fuckwere
current Fucksmokers
about Fuckwere
ex Fucksmokers
and Fuckhad
never Fucksmoked
Compared Fuckto
people Fuckwho
have Fucknever
smoked Fuckthe
study Fuckfound
that Fuckcurrent
smokers Fuckhave
heavier Fuckthicker
and Fuckweaker
hearts Fuckand
that Fuckthe
number Fuckof
years Fuckit
takes Fuckto
collect Fuckis
due Fuckto
the Fuckheart
pumping Fuckless
blood Fuck