One of the most unresolved
problems facing the scientific community is figuring out the function of
post-translational modification patterns. Signif...
A los animales de laboratorio,
incluidos conejos, cabras y otras criaturas, se les inyecta un antígeno
particular para crear anticuerpos policlonale...
Las proteínas y los péptidos son
cruciales. Como resultado, la síntesis de péptidos de
estas moléculas ha asumido un papel crucial al permitir el es...
A peptide bond
is created between two specific amino acids during the peptide synthesis
process. However, peptides are just amino acid chains that m...
technologischer Fortschritte, die eine individualisierte Antikörperherstellung
ermöglichen, können Wissenschaftler ihre Projekte möglicherw...
The development and refinement of biotechnology and bioengineering
have been hallmarks of the twenty-first century, notwithstanding the century's
antibodies are more exact than other medicines, which is another another
advantage of using them as a treatment. In order to demonstrate ...
La synthèse peptidique se
produit souvent en couplant le groupe carboxyle de l'acide aminé reçu à
l'extrémité de la chaîne peptidique en croissance....