

  • At Keneng, we always pay attention to the quality of our products and ensure that any spring or wire...
    · Oct 18 '22
  • 弹簧材料的选择& nbsp;应根据弹簧承受载荷的性质、应力状态、应力大小、工作温度、环境介质、使用寿命、对电磁波导率的要求、工艺性能、材料来源、价格等因素来确定。在确定材料的截面形状和尺寸时,应优先选用...
    · Sep 27 '22


  • keneng
    keneng created a new blog post
    What Affects The Life Of The Spring?
    At Keneng, we always pay attention to the quality of our products and ensure that any spring or wire we manufacture is manufactured to the highest sta...
  • keneng
    keneng created a new blog post
    How to select spring materials
    弹簧材料的选择 应根据弹簧承受载荷的性质、应力状态、应力大小、工作温度、环境介质、使用寿命、对电磁波导率的要求、工艺性能、材料来源、价格等因素来确定。在确定材料的截面形状和尺寸时,应优先选用国家标准和部级标准规定的系列尺寸,尽量避免使用非标准系列规格的材料。弹簧的常用材料 主要分...
  • keneng
    keneng joined our site!