Sasthasatiis a renowned Odia story book authored by the acclaimed writer Pratibha Ray. The book has garnered widespread acclaim for its rich storytell...
100 Preranadayak Desi Kahani is a remarkable self-improvement book in Odia that serves as a beacon of inspiration and motivation for readers seeking p...
Kanhu Charan Mahanty Odia Books, a renowned author in the Odia literary world, has
crafted a collection of captivating and thought-provoking books t...
Odia Book Mahamanaba Buddha ore Sahoo is a significant Odia book that delves deep into the life, teachings, and philosophies of Gautama Buddha, also k...
Bhaijeantia Osha Odia Book is a captivating Odia book that dives into the interesting domain of Odiya culture and custom, explicitly zeroing in on th...
Ghum Pahadara Naiby Pradeep Dash is an enthralling Odia book that takes its readers on a mesmerizing journey through the unexplored realms of dreams, ...
Explore the divine realms of Shirdi Sai Baba and other revered spiritual masters with the Odia book Shree Shiridi Saibaba O Anya Sadguru written by th...
The Brass Multicolor Puja Kalas Pital Lota is a timeless and traditional artifact that holds immense significance in Hindu religious rituals and cerem...